Wole Olu

Subscription Plans


1 Month Plan
$ 39 Monthly
  • WoleOlu's signal


6 months plan
$ 195 6 Months
  • WoleOlu's signal


Most frequent asked questions and answers

We’ve spent hours building a FAQ’s & Onboarding page for beginners, which you can access as soon as you sign up. We estimate an investment of 6 hours of learning time will have you up and running sufficiently enough to trade our signals!

No. WoleOlu normally posts between 8am-10pm Melbourne, Aus time however you don’t have to jump into signals straight away. Some signals will stay in or near the buy zone for a few days to a week before moving so time zone is never an issue!

Entirely dependant on the market. We want to give you the best signals we can that we think have the best chance of getting you profits. We average between 2-5 signals a day at the moment!

Mainly spot and compounding profits but we also do scalps, long and short. WoleOlu also shares his long term trades too. Something for everyone!
Whilst we don’t pro-actively encourage margin or leverage trading, we do mention a signal could benefit from it (for the advanced traders).

Please see the Start Up Kit page to find the suggestions of the wallets and accounts needed to begin! It’s worth spending some time on this page to learn more about the way Wole trades and tools she uses.

We take payment via BTC and USDT transfers

We recommend you have at least some experience trading and using the platforms that allow you to trade. Please see the Start Up Kit page for more info. Anyone can sign up to the paid signals and use them!

Nope. 🙂 It’s a monthly payment that you can stop at any time.

Not at the moment but we may do in future. 

Wole has been trading for over 6 years and has a very Hugh success rate with his calls. He has over 500 students who follows his charts and he is know for his accuracy. All signals are undertaken in your own discretion, so please see our disclaimer for more information.

Not much! You can start with any amount but the majority of people begin with a bank balance of $600 to $1000.

WoleOlu takes no responsibility for loss incurred as a result of our trading signals. By signing up as a member, you acknowledge that we are not providing financial advice and that you are making a decision to copy our trades on your own account. We have no knowledge of the level of money you are trading with or the level of risk you are taking with each trade. In this regard, the amounts paid for the use of our signals can’t be refunded. See our refund policy for more information.